Being in an accident is a horrible experience and can easily send those involved into shock. It’s at times like this you are not thinking straight. No one likes to imagine they will ever be in an accident but putting some thought into it now will, in the long run, save you a lot of trouble. Here are six useful tips if you’re in a not at fault car accident.
1. Find a repairer who you trust and want to use in the event of an accident. You will be able to tell the tow truck driver where you want your car to be taken, avoiding extra costs or the chance of your car being fixed by a substandard garage.
2. Always take pictures or a video at the scene of the accident. Pictures of not only the damage done to your car and the other car but pictures of the area around you from all angles. It will make your not at fault insurance claim go a lot smoother if they have a clear idea of what happened.
3. Get a dash-cam fitted to your car. These little cameras are every insurance companies best friend. If it’s caught on camera, it’s all the evidence they need to quickly process your not at fault accident claim.
4. Put our business number into your phone. Make sure you are not waiting for an accident replacement car by being able to call us straight away after an accident. The sooner we hear from you the sooner we can organize your not at fault accident rental car.
5. Make sure you get the other person’s information, without it, you can’t make a claim against them. If they refuse, call the police and take a picture of their number plate, in case they decide to leave the scene of the accident.
6. Finally, always get yourself checked out after an accident by a health professional. Even if you feel you are alright, often trauma to the body can be silent but deadly.
Call Not My Fault if you need a replacement courtesy car. We’ll get you back on the road in no time.