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Accident Replacement Vehicle

Tips for driving at dawn or twilight

By April 26, 2022November 20th, 2023No Comments

We know that driving conditions can vary throughout the day. This can depend on factors such as weather changes and traffic levels. However, it’s also important to think about specific time periods and adjust how we drive at those times. Two prime examples are around dawn and dusk. Here are some tips to help…

Key problems when driving at dusk and dawn

These are times when your view, as you drive, can be seriously affected by a low sun. For example, as dawn arrives, the road itself can still be in darkness as the sky lightens. The glare can mean that your view of the road ahead is not as clear as you’d like it to be.

You’ll be working with less colour contrast than at other times during the day, so your eyes will have to adjust to the changing light levels. This can mean that your powers of observation, including at the peripheries of your vision, might not be great. Potential hazards, easily spotted during consistent daytime light, become less instantly visible.

Amending your driving actions

It pays to plan ahead and think of how to drive in such conditions. Having sunglasses with you, especially with polarised lenses, is a given, to help deal with the glare. Make good use of your vehicle’s sun visor to help block some of the harshest effects too.

For longer journeys, prepare to counter tiredness with planned breaks. Appreciate that such conditions can affect your judgement of distance, say between your vehicle and the one ahead of you. It’s also true that, for older drivers, age can affect their level of vision at such times.

When driving, it’s also important to remember that the same problems are affecting other drivers, in either direction. So taking extra care, and maintaining high alert levels, is important.

Sadly, not your fault accidents still happen

At all times of day, you can be a victim of another person’s poor driving. If this means your vehicle is off the road, contact our Not My Fault team on 1800699034.

Australian Law entitles not-at-fault car accident drivers to courtesy car hire. Talk to us, as soon as it’s safe to do so, and we’ll set to work to keep you on the road – from dawn until dusk and beyond!