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Accident Replacement Vehicle

Tips for driving through roadworks

By April 27, 2022November 20th, 2023No Comments

Drivers know how frustrating it can be to have to navigate roadworks. This is true when time is tight, say on the way to work, or if delays suddenly pop up on your usual route. Equally, they can seem to add a lot of wasted time when making longer journeys – even if the actual time lost is really minimal.

If roadworks are a bind for you, here are some helpful pointers…

The first important tip

This is to plan. Take note of any prior warnings on your usual routes. Then you can either add extra time or look for an alternative. For longer or occasional journeys, see what online information you can find to better plan a route through unfamiliar areas.

When you find yourself in roadworks

Be careful not to fall victim to distractions. You need to pay attention to what others might suddenly do. It can be tempting to use your mobile, check messages etc. Other electronic devices can also distract.

Pay closer attention to other drivers. If moving slowly, there’s a danger of getting too close to the vehicle in front. Even at slow speeds, if they suddenly slam on their breaks, you need enough reaction time. A collision, even at a few kph, can be a serious event.

Remember also to pay full attention to those working on the road. A piece of heavy, difficult to control, machinery, being manoeuvred, can jut out slightly into the traffic lane. Equally, an unexpected event can cause workers to have to move into that area without any warning.

A final safety point

Always remember to have water ready to drink. This is always important. Stuck in a jam on a blisteringly hot day, can make this even more vital for the health of both drivers and passengers.

About not your fault accidents

In road works, and elsewhere, you can fall victim to such an event. If your vehicle is out of action, thanks to the incompetence of another driver, and in a repair shop, Australian Law entitles you to a replacement courtesy car. Call our Not My Fault team of experts on 1800699034 and set us to work on your behalf.