Not-at-fault accidents can seem to happen from out of nowhere, leaving you wondering how or why it happened in the first place. Though it may feel like a surprise, not-at-fault accidents are more likely to occur during certain times, when road congestion is high, and the stress of driving takes its toll on everyone. We outline the most common times you can expect not-at-fault accidents to occur, revealing the traffic conditions to exercise maximum caution while on the road.
When someone else has had a car accident, it can be impossible for some drivers to remain focused and concentrate on their driving. Most people want to look and see what has happened, temporarily losing concentration in the process, and colliding with other cars taking the same action.
Peak hour
With more traffic on the roads when people travel to work, accidents increase due to the volume of cars. Some road rules and parking restrictions also change during this time, when parking becomes restricted to clearways, for example, and this can cause confusion for some drivers. As some drivers want to move quickly through the traffic, you’re likely to experience quick braking and decreased space between cars.
Long weekends
The start and end of long weekends prove to be a significant time for not-at-fault accidents to occur. Much like peak hour, more cars take to the road during the start of the weekend, as people move to their holiday locations, and towards the end when they return home. More drivers are on the roads over this time, some who aren’t used to regular driving, and accidents can happen quickly from this lack of consistent driving. Over periods like Christmas, Easter and school holidays, the roads can become particularly hazardous, due to the same reasons.
Changed traffic conditions
During the work and school week, most drivers take the same route from their destination to home and back. When these roads changes, such as for closures and road works, accidents tend to occur around these sites. Speed changes are particularly an issue, as people aren’t aware of the decreased speed until they reach closer to the area.
High-density areas
Around central business districts and high housing areas, not-at-fault accidents will occur. With an increase in traffic in a small space, as well as unusual speed limits and tight streets, it’s easy for these accidents to happen without much warning.
Not-at-fault accidents, unfortunately, could still happen to you. If this is the case, be sure to get in touch with the team at Not My Fault, who can help you with transportation after the incident.