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Accidents happen every day on Australian roads. Fortunately, the majority of them are fender benders with minor damage.

However, even if the accident is not serious, it’s a good idea to file a police report in addition to swapping insurance details with the other driver.

In a not at fault car accident, waiting for a police report to be conducted can assist you in the insurance and recovery process, even if your first instinct is to get away from the scene of the accident as quickly as possible.

A police report can help insurance claims

The function of a police report in a vehicle accident is simply to establish a record of the basic facts, gathering the details of all the parties involved and the factors of the situation.

The police officer making the report will ask questions of each party, gather the details of witnesses if there are any, test drivers for any alcohol and write up what they find in a clear, concise document that’s easy to access.

When you contact your insurance company to begin the claims process, you can refer them to the police report’s number to put on file. This document can help speed the claims process up, especially if your insurance policy or that of the other driver requires one.

Personal injury claims are made easier

In the immediate aftermath of an accident, your heart rate could be high with adrenaline surging. This can sometimes mask the symptoms of any injuries, even in a minor crash.

In the days and weeks after the accident, you may feel the effects of these injuries, and consider filing a personal injury claim through legal channels.

If you decide to pursue this course, having a police report on file will help you establish the facts of the accident, chase up any witnesses and help your legal team file the best claim possible.

Get an accident replacement vehicle

When you’ve been involved in a car accident that was not your fault, it’s vital that you take steps to get your life back on track as quickly as possible.

Making an insurance claim with the backing of a police report will get this process started, but it can also help access the use of an accident replacement vehicle.

While your car is being repaired is important that you have a like for like replacement vehicle that allows you to carry on with your life and work.