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Accident Replacement Vehicle

How can I get where I need to go after a car accident?

By April 27, 2022November 20th, 2023No Comments

‘How can I get where I need to?’ can be an early reaction from a driver caught in an accident through no fault of their own. After the initial shock of the event itself has subsided. Hopefully also after knowing that no serious injury has been caused. So the driver is still mobile, but sadly their car isn’t. It is about to spend a period of time in a repair shop.

What are the alternatives?

If this situation happened to you, how would you cope? Depending on where you live there may – or may not – be public transport alternatives.

Otherwise, you might be relying on the generous spirit of relatives, friends, neighbours or work colleagues to pick you up and ferry you around. The situation certainly isn’t ideal – especially so when you were the victim of another driver’s incompetence or lack of proper attention!

It doesn’t have to be this way!

It still amazes our dedicated team, here at Not My Fault, how many people aren’t aware of a simple fact. It’s this: under Australian Law, in such circumstances, you are entitled to a courtesy replacement vehicle. If you didn’t know this, it might be because insurance companies will be paying for the costs incurred. So this might not be prominently promoted.

This is even true after a not your fault accident that sees your car being completely written off. In such cases, after applying, you’ll be advised of the time period covered with this replacement vehicle.

Three things more to know!

+ Our team aim to place you in a like-for-like vehicle – allowing you to carry on living and working as close to normal as possible

+ All replacement vehicles are provided with comprehensive insurance

+ We bring the vehicle to you – often at the repair shop where your own car is to be sorted. Then we pick it up when you collect your car after the necessary work has been completed

One more important piece of information

It’s our Not My Fault contact number. It’s 1800699034. Please keep a note of it on your mobile. Then if you are involved in a not your fault car accident, call us as soon as you’re able and it’s safe to do so. This will see us help you carry on getting to where you need to be!