There are a small number of unfortunate drivers who end up involved in a collision or other accident whilst driving their courtesy car. If this happens to you, don’t panic! Although accidents are never pleasant, the procedure for dealing with a crashed courtesy car, and obtaining a further courtesy car, is surprisingly quick and simple in most cases.
Check the insurance details
When you hire a courtesy car, the hiring company will usually include comprehensive insurance as part of the package. This means that in the event of an accident, the company will make a claim on your behalf to cover the repair costs.
Take driver particulars
Following a crash, once you’re parked safely (if possible) and ensured that everyone involved is uninjured, it’s important to exchange particulars with the driver of the other vehicle. The information needed includes their name, address, phone number and vehicle registration plate. It’s also helpful to take pictures of the damage to your vehicle and that of the other vehicle so that there’s clear evidence of the damage.
Call the hire company
Your hire company will advise on what to do with the vehicle. If driveable, it may need to be returned to the hire company’s premises or a local garage. If it’s undrivable, the courtesy car hire company will usually have a towing company that they use in these situations.
Pick up another courtesy car
In most cases, you will be provided with a replacement courtesy car, which you can continue to use until your own vehicle’s repairs are complete.
Be prepared to pay the excess
When you hire a courtesy car, you will normally be required to agree to an excess fee. This is the maximum amount you can be charged for repairs to a vehicle in the event of a crash. Once the damage has been assessed and the cost of the repairs calculated, you will be billed up to the maximum excess amount.
To find out more about what happens if you crash a courtesy car, or if you have any other questions about courtesy car hire, give the team at Not My Fault a call at (1800) 699034.