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It’s so easy to become distracted while driving. One reason for this is that there are so many different distractions! It’s good to recognise what does it for you, and then guard against such reactions, or find a way to deal with them. Here’s quite an extensive list to quickly read through – you’re bound to pick out any that make you mentally nod and say ‘oh yeah’…

Live, in-car distractions

The obvious one can be kids, especially if they are playing around or start making a mess. Perhaps one of them suddenly feels the need to undo their seatbelt to reach something. Pets also need to be fully secured, otherwise they might suddenly react to something that happens. With adult passengers, having an argument about directions is a fairly frequent concentration-disturber! As is the person who decides to become a back-seat driver to help you ‘improve’ or one who likes to fiddle with heating, in-car entertainment or rummage around in your glove drawer without being asked to!

Becoming fixated on outside events

This can include spending long seconds starting at an unusual sight, from a public sculpture to someone’s front garden or seeing a vehicle with unique markings. Seeing an emergency vehicle can also distract the eye and attention to try and see what situation is being dealt with.

It’s also too common that drivers become fixated on who’s behind them, and their driving. The result can be spending more time staring in the rear-view mirror trying to work out what they are going to do than looking ahead.

Involuntary driver actions

These are things you don’t really realise you’re doing. Obviously, events such as a coughing or sneezing fit can suddenly hit. But other, unconsidered distractions can include singing along and reacting to a favourite song (with a drumbeat on the steering wheel perhaps). Equally, listening and reacting to a favourite comic can damage driving concentration. If petrol is running low, then repeated glances at the fuel level can distract. Even paying too much attention to the sat-nav can be dangerous. If you are transporting a fragile gift, a valuable piece of furniture, or the like, this too can affect your concentration.

Keeping your concentration

Thinking about the above points should help you consider how best to maintain your concentration when driving. Sadly, though, you may still fall innocent victim to another driver’s inattention. If you are ever the victim of a not at fault car accident, then Australian Law means you’re entitled to a replacement courtesy car if yours has to go into the repair shop. In such circumstances, please call our Not My Fault team as soon as possible by dialling 1800699034…