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Even when you’re not at fault in a car accident, the experience can be incredibly difficult. Firstly, there’s the shock of having narrowly escaped injury or death. Secondly, there’s the stress of making police statements and completing paperwork. Then there’s figuring out how to get back on the road again. If your vehicle’s been severely damaged or written off, what are you going to do about getting to work, taking the kids to school and running errands?

Your right to a not at fault accident rental car

The good news is that, following a not at fault car accident, you have the right to a not at fault accident rental car. This is the case whether your car’s with the mechanic or ruined beyond repair. There’s no need to wait and no cause for any hassle. In fact, your accident replacement car should be just a phone call away.

Insist on a high-quality replacement courtesy car

What’s more, you don’t have to put up with just any old replacement courtesy car. When you’ve been in a not at fault car accident, you have every right to a high-quality not at fault accident rental car. In other words, insist on a car that’s just as good as the one you’re used to driving. Don’t settle for a cheaper model, smaller vehicle or replacement courtesy car that’s in any way inferior to yours. The vehicle might not be the same make and model as your vehicle, but it should perform at the same level.

Don’t succumb to pressure

If you’ve been the victim of an accident in which you did nothing wrong then you don’t have to put up with any inconvenience. After all, you’re not at fault!

When organising not at fault car hire, avoid succumbing to pressure. Don’t agree to drive the first car offered to you, unless you’re completely happy with it. You have every right to demand a replacement courtesy car that meets your needs in terms of comfort, technology and performance. When in doubt, make the effort to track down a not at fault car hire company that’s willing to help you.