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Involved in a not your fault traffic accident? Bad luck!

By April 23, 2021August 29th, 2023No Comments

Having checked that you are not injured in such a collision, this can be the sort of sympathetic comment you hear from friends, work colleagues or other family members. While it is true that chance hasn’t been on your side, it is a more serious event than one that can just be brushed aside with such a comment.

How might it affect the way you live your life?

Your car is headed for a stay in a repair shop. The sympathy from others might extend to offers of help, such as ‘I’ll pick you up for work’ or ‘I can take your son or daughter to sports practice with mine’. This is kind, but it might not extend past the period your vehicle is being made roadworthy again.

Then there are all the other ways you make use of your wheels. This might involve the weekly shop, visits to aged relatives who rely on you to keep them stocked up with food, collect medicines, or simply give them the chance to spend some time out of their home.

So you might decide to hire a car to keep you on the road

This action can be quickly taken by many, in the assumption that, as the accident wasn’t their fault, they’ll surely be able to claim back the substantial strain this might put on their budget. But, that can be a convoluted, and not always successful, process.

Here’s the wise move to make in such circumstances

As soon as possible, contact our Not My Fault team by calling 1800699034. The reason for making the call is simple, but many people don’t realise the situation. Under Australian law, if you are involved in an accident that wasn’t your fault, you are entitled to an accident replacement car.

Rather than anyone in such a situation having to pay the costs themselves, it’s the insurance companies who will then cover the outlay. Our expert team can arrange a vehicle similar to the size of your own and even arrange delivery to your home, workplace, or the repair shop where you have taken your damaged car.

So, rather than accepting such ‘bad luck’ and trying to struggle on, contact us and we’ll help you carry on as normal until your own vehicle is roadworthy again