Although many accidents happen on the move, it also pays to think about your vehicle when it’s stationary. One way of safeguarding it when you’re not there is to think carefully about how you leave it in a car park. Here are some thoughts to help you make the best possible choices when doing so…
Be mindful of which vehicles are nearby
Avoid parking beside a vehicle that is higher than your own – say a 4WD or truck, compared to your saloon. Moving away when you return can be more difficult because clear sight might be limited.
Equally, if you notice child seats in a car, park elsewhere if you can. Kids, returning to vehicles, are just interested in climbing inside. Little attention is spent on making sure not to dent the door of the vehicle parked closest to them!
Incidentally, if you get into the habit of parking at the end of a row, then at least one side won’t be hemmed in when you return.
Think car thieves or vandals
If the car park isn’t too full, look to park away from other vehicles. This makes it more difficult for thieves or vandals to operate, simply because they will be easier to spot. Also, think about which areas are covered by CCTV.
Of course, having to walk for a few minutes to the entrance to a mall or store is a useful form of exercise!
If you’re leaving or returning to your vehicle during darkness, look for a spot close to whatever lighting is provided. You’ll feel more secure than having to return when shadows are all around.
What a great shot!
If you’re parking near a local sporting venue, keep as far away from the action as possible. Remember that flying objects can cause a lot of damage. That huge six at a cricket oval might please the striker and a golf ball over-hit might annoy the player, but if either hits your vehicle, you won’t be happy. This is also true in areas where people might simply throw frisbees or even just play catch.
Accidents that are not your fault
Of course, many accidents don’t happen when your vehicle is parked. Sadly, however the damage is caused, your car may be headed for the repair shop. If you were an innocent victim of someone else’s poor driving, Australian Law entitles you to an accident replacement car.
Make sure you have our Not My Fault number with you. It’s 1800699034. Call as soon as you can and we’ll set to work!