We know you will stay vigilant when driving and it’s true that accidents can happen in the most unlikely ways. Here are a few examples from around the world, some could well apply to our Australian roads…
Creature collisions
You have to feel a touch of sympathy for a Norwegian driver who manages to successfully avoid a moose which suddenly strayed into the road in front of him. Unfortunately, his direction of swerving took him straight into a bear! In the USA, a girl was so busy swatting a spider on the steering wheel that she swerved straight into a vehicle coming in the other direction and multiple people ended up in the hospital. It’s certainly true that similar situations are not unknown in our own country, so it pays to be ever-vigilant and, as the saying goes ‘Keep Calm and Don’t Panic’.
Hi mom!
A young teenager in the US was brazenly driving a car he had stolen when he noticed his mother coming in the opposite direction. To avoid her wrath at seeing him engaged in this criminal act, he decided to swerve the stolen vehicle into the nearest available tree.
Other weird accidental occurrences
From cars that have ended up in suddenly appearing sinkholes in the road, to a car that collided with a bus bearing an advert on its side that said ‘Safety begins with you’ there are many ways for accidents to happen. Another crashed into an advertising billboard that claimed ‘Mayhem is everywhere’. Hitting reverse by mistake when leaving a parking garage left one vehicle with its rear end stick out of a wall several stories above ground level. Another conveniently ended head first in a recycling dumpster.
If you are involved in a Not My Fault accident it’s no laughing matter
While the above may make you smile – and we hope to keep you alert – being suddenly deprived of your vehicle, through no fault of your own, is a serious matter. Many people don’t realise that, under Australian Law, after a not their fault accident, they are entitled to a replacement courtesy car while their own is in the repair shop. So, keep our number with you at all times – it’s 1800699034 – and call us as soon as possible if this happens to you…